The Yellow Springs Dharma Center presents
The Power of Presence: Vipassana Meditation Retreat
With Rebecca Bradshaw, Insight Meditation Society

Rebecca Bradshaw teaches at the Insight Meditation Society in Barre, MA, at other locations in the United States, and at Kyaswa Monastery in Sagaing, Myanmar. She is a psychotherapist, the guiding teacher of the Insight Meditation Center of Pioneer Valley, MA, and the Buddhist Advisor at Mt Holyoke College. Her teaching explores the convergence of love and wisdom.
Choice of: April 9 – 11, 2010 or April 9 – 14, 2010
Grailville Retreat Center ▪ Loveland, Ohio
Public Talk by Rebecca
April 8, 2010 ▪ 8pm ▪ Yellow Springs Dharma Center
Vipassana Meditation has been practiced in Asia for 2,500 years. This
technique helps one to develop a calm and compassionate approach to life through
the development of concentration and awareness. As mindfulness deepens, wholehearted
presence is cultivated, giving us the opportunity to discover for ourselves what leads to
happiness and peace. This two- or five-day retreat, held in silence with alternating periods
of sitting and walking meditation, will include daily guided vipassana and lovingkindness
practice, evening talks, and opportunities to meet with the teacher. The retreat is appropriate
for both new and experienced meditators. Although based in Buddhist teachings, the
retreat is non-sectarian and complements any spiritual or religious practice.
Rebecca Bradshaw teaches at the Insight Meditation Society in Barre,
MA, at other locations in the United States, and at Kyaswa Monastery in
Sagaing, Myanmar. She is a psychotherapist, the guiding teacher of the
Insight Meditation Center of Pioneer Valley, MA, and the Buddhist Advisor
at Mt Holyoke College. Her teaching explores the convergence of love and
Grailville is located in the rolling hills of southwest Ohio. Grailville’s 300 acres
include walking trails, woods, pastures, ponds, creeks, and labyrinths and provides a
powerful setting for spiritual practice. Vegetarian meals will be provided.
For More Information
Go to or call Parker at 937 206 4139
or Robert at 937 767 1034
Registration Deadline: April 1st, 2010
Opening Talk: 7:30pm
Two day retreat through 4:00 pm Sunday, April 11 $180
Additional for guaranteed single room $60
Five day retreat through noon Wednesday, April 14 $400
Additional for guaranteed single room $150
Teacher dana: The above fees cover the cost of lodging, food,
and travel expenses. Rebecca offers the teachings freely
according to ancient Buddhist tradition. She is supported by
voluntary donations offered at the end of the retreat.
To register, please submit bottom section, with deposit to:
Vipassana Retreat (Parker Buckley)
Yellow Springs Dharma Center
502 Livermore Street
Yellow Springs, OH 45387
Checks Payable to Yellow Springs Dharma Center.
Balance due at retreat sign-in.
Name: __________________________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________________
Email: _______________________________ Phone: __________________
Retreat selection: (circle one) Two day Five day
Deposit with application: $60 $125
Single room option: (circle one) Yes No
Donations are welcome for Y S Dharma Center Scholarship Fund.
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