Special Events

Way Seeking Mind Talk
Sunday ~ March 1 ~ 2pm
This past year the Dharma Center began a series of Way Seeking Mind Talks given by senior practitioners in our sangha. The Way Seeking Mind Talk comes from the Zen tradition and is generally an initial talk given by practitioners to describe their journey to Buddhist practice. It can also be a talk given by seasoned practitioners of any Buddhist tradition to reflect with the sangha on what is alive in their practice now. It is meant to be a more informal and personal talk than a traditional dharma talk.
We continue the series with one of our Center’s founders, Donna Denman. Donna will share her history of practice, begun on a trip with her husband in 1987 that took them to Asia among other destinations. She has been a student of Zen for over 30 years, initiating our Zen group at the Dharma Center. Her intensive experience with Zen koans continues to inform her practice and understanding of the Buddhist Path.
All are invited.
INTRODUCTION TO MEDITATIONWednesday evenings from 7:45 to 9:00 PMNovember 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 & Dec 7This fall the Yellow Springs Dharma Center will offer training in meditation each Wednesday evening from Nov 2 to Dec 7. Sessions will include short talks, opportunities to practice a variety of basic methods, and time for questions. Robert Pryor will be the instructor, and he will use Joseph Goldstein’s book, The Experience of Insight as a basis for the techniques introduced. This training is primarily intended for those relatively new to Buddhist practice though all are welcome. For more information contact Robert at 937.767.1034. Introduction to Meditation CourseA Meditation CourseSeptember 7, 14, 21, 28 & October 5, 12, 2016Wednesday evenings 7:45 pmThrough meditation practice one trains and sharpens the mind while naturally reducing stress levels and reactive habitual patterns. Meditation can make it possible to become more effective in all aspects of life, living from a clearer, kinder and more centered frame of mind. You are welcome to join a six week training in meditation. The course is given free of charge and is for beginners as well as those wanting to support an ongoing practice. The periods of meditation practice are guided and short, gradually building to longer, sustainable times as the course progresses. Discussion and inquiry follow each session. During the course we will refer to the book, The Joy of Living, Unlocking the Secret & Science of Happiness, by Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche. Course facilitator is Dianeah Wanicek. For more information email her at vajrayana@ysdharma.org. Phakchok Rinpoche Teachings
Book Discussion Group Thursdays June 30 – August 4 7:45pm-9:00pm
Dying With Confidence: A Tibetan Buddhist Guide to Preparing for Death by Anyen Rinpoche This book is designed to help Western Buddhists or spiritual practitioners work through the toughest questions about death, including how one prepares for the moment of death. The book includes instructions on how to create a “dharma will” for both living and dying; how to support Sangha members loved ones through the experience of death (the designation of “entrusted dharma friends”); the practice of phowa or transference of consciousness; how to make decisions about pain medication and organ donation; and other practical considerations for a spiritual death.
Work Practice. August 13 and 14. Each second weekend of the month the Center holds work practice following the morning meditation: a mindfulness and awareness practice in silence. Working for about 30 minutes in the garden and in the house is a wonderful opportunity to support and sustain the Center while engaging in practice off the cushion. All are welcome to help!
Dharma Center Tables at the Yellow Springs Bookfair Saturday August 20 8am to 4pm Millslawn Yard
Support the Dharma Center Library – Visit Our Tables at the Yellow Springs Bookfair
Books in all genres; nearly all priced just $1 or $2!! All proceeds go to the Library
To donate books or for more information, call Mary at 767-2113
Sutta Discussion August 28 at 9:00am
On the fourth Sunday of the month, from 9:00 to 10:30 AM, the Vipassanā Saṅghā convenes a Sutta-based discussion on meditation practice in daily living. Open to all interested in the study of foundational Buddhist practice. For a detailed schedule, use this link: Sutta Discussion
Gardening Fridays at 7:45am
Every Friday, throughout the spring and summer, there is gardening after morning meditation and tea. Tea is at 7:45am following meditation, and gardening begins at 8:15am. Please bring tools and garden gloves if you have them. All are welcome.
Orientation. Mondays 7:45 pm, August 8 and 22. This is a good place to start. Orientation to the Center & basic instruction in meditation, the most universal Buddhist practice.
Paramitas Discussion. August 6 and 27. Discussion to follow Zen meditation. Last Saturday of the month, discussion among sangha; first Saturday of the month, Teacher Daniel Terragno is Skyped in to continue discussion. Text is Aitken Roshi’s The Practice of Perfection. Note: Daniel will be in S. America from August 10 through September 8, so he will not join us the first weekend in September. Instead he will be with us on September 10.
Saturday 7:00 pm, August 27, 2011
Lynnell Lewis will return to Yellow Springs to present an evening of sacred chanting at the Dharma Center. With Indian tambura accompaniment, Lynnell teaches and leads chanting from all Buddhist traditions as well as Hindu, Sufi, Christian,and African. The program is free, and everyone, regardless ofexperience, is invited to participate. For more information call 767-2113.
Introduction to Meditation.
Wednesdays 7: 45 – 9:00 pm, September 7 – October 12, 2011
The Fall Introduction to Meditation class led by Joyce Reena Appell will begin on Sept. 7 and run thru Oct. 12, Wednesdays, from 7:45-9 p.m. The book for class will be, Ven. Henepola Gunaratana’s, Mindfulness in Plain English. It is one of the clearest introductory texts on the practice of meditation. This class will also teach “quieting habits” of breathing, stretching, and slight sitting adjustments. For information, contact Joyce Reena Appell at 767-5671.
Trustees Meeting at the Dharma Center.
Monday 7:00 pm, August 15, 2011
Introduction to Meditation Course.
Wednesdays 7: 45 – 9:00 pm, Jan.5 – Feb. 16, 2011
The winter Introduction to Meditation class, led by Joyce Appell, will began on January 5th. “The life of the mind does not pause”. This class will teach and cultivate “quieting habits” of breathing, stretching, and slight sitting adjustments to build confidence and competence in mindful meditation.
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