Like a sunbeam on a bright autumn morning, I would like to become completely one, Body and mind, With transparent, wholehearted practice.
Kosho Uchiyama
2020 Fall Sesshin
Friday, Oct. 16 through Wednesday, Oct. 21
(Friday – Sunday weekend option)
Jesuit Retreat Center
Milford, OH
Sesshin (the Japanese word literally means “to touch the heart-mind”) is an opportunity to draw from the tremendous strength of people practicing together, to receive personal guidance in private meetings with the teacher, and to experience the deep stillness that lies within each of us. The sesshin can become an inspiring spiritual experience for anyone, irrespective of previous experience or religious affiliation.
OUR TEACHER: Daniel Terragno, Diamond Sangha teacher, is a native of Chile who resides in the Redwoods of Northern California where he is the founder and spiritual director of Rocks and Clouds Zendo in Sebastopol, a Zen community in the tradition of the Diamond Sangha ( He also regularly teaches in Argentina and Chile. In addition to his work as a Zen teacher, Daniel makes his living as a cabinetmaker.
ACCOMMODATIONS: This is a residential retreat; single rooms.
MEALS: Vegetarian meals; please let us know of any special dietary restrictions.
DANA: In keeping with tradition, Buddhist teachings are offered on a “dana” or donation basis; therefore the cost of the retreat does not include any fees for the teacher. There will be a time to make donations to the teacher at the end of the sesshin.
SCHOLARSHIPS: No one turned away for inability to pay full amount.
REGISTRATION: Registration form will be available in June 2020.
INFORMATION: For additional information, email
Spring “Commuter” Sesshin
Tuesday, Mar. 26 (7:00pm) – Saturday (1:30pm) Mar. 30, 2019
at the Yellow Springs Dharma Center
Registration form here.
Sesshin (the Japanese word literally means “to touch the heart-mind”) is an opportunity to draw from the tremendous strength of people practicing together, to receive personal guidance in private meetings with the teacher, and to experience the deep stillness that lies within each of us. The sesshin can become an inspiring spiritual experience for anyone, irrespective of previous experience or religious affiliation.
OUR TEACHER: Daniel Terragno is a native of Chile who resides in the Redwoods of Northern California where he is the founder and spiritual director of Rocks and Clouds Zendo in Sebastopol, a Zen community in the tradition of the Diamond Sangha ( He also regularly teaches in Argentina and Chile. In addition to his work as a Zen teacher, Daniel makes his living as a cabinetmaker.
ACCOMMODATIONS: This is a non-residential retreat; housing in YS can be found here:
MEALS: Vegetarian meals; please let us know of any special dietary restrictions.
DANA: In keeping with tradition, Buddhist teachings are offered on a “dana” or donation basis; therefore the cost of the retreat does not include any fees for the teacher. There will be a time to make donations to the teacher at the end of the sesshin.
SCHOLARSHIPS: No one turned away for inability pay full tuition; contact registrar.
REGISTRATION: Due to limited space, first preference will be given to those who can attend the full retreat. Registration form available here.
INFORMATION: For additional information, email
Spring “Commuter” Sesshin
Tuesday, Mar. 27 (7:00pm) – Saturday (1:30pm) Mar. 31, 2018
at the Yellow Springs Dharma Center
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